Teachers of Good Things by K. Denise Holmberg

One of the perks of “getting older” (besides that it’s better than the alternative) is passing on wisdom  to help younger women grow and become more effective in their lives.

Becoming teachers of good things.

The older women should be teachers of good things. That they admonish the young women to love their husbands and to love their children. To be good homemakers, that the word of God may not be blasphemed. (From Titus 2)

I’m sharing a tip today that helped me run my home more efficiently.

Apron First

I did two things each morning when I was raising my five children. I put on an apron and then I made dinner.
Yep, that’s right, dinner.
The kids would head out the door to catch the school bus and I would prep and cook whatever we were eating that evening.
Life gets so busy during a regular day whether you have kids, a full-time job, or both.
It becomes too easy to hit a fast food joint when everyone’s tired and cranky (of course that never includes mother).
I’d pick an apron that suitably matched (probably not) whatever I was wearing. 
“Which one goes with sweat pants and a Nebraska Cornhusker tee-shirt?” I’d say to myself.
I like pockets in mine so you have a place to stash stuff if you need too. Like loose change from the couch.
Next step was to throw a kitchen towel over my shoulder and fill the sink with hot sudsy water for easy cleanup along the way.
I used my crockpot a lot.
They say diamonds are a girl’s best friend. Crockpots are a mother’s.
But if someone offers you a crockpot or a diamond … take the diamond.
They sparkle. (Whew … didn’t want you to mess up there!)
One of my favorite slow-cooking meals is the pot roast. I could usually get two to three meals out of it. The leftover meat made great tacos.

You can Google slow cooker recipes. There is a plethora of them out there.
But being prepared for your day is the key.
It makes being a mom a little easier.
After driving the kids to all their activities, I loved bringing them home to a house that smelled like heaven.
 And a meal that warmed their souls.
Do you have any advice for young women? Please share it with us!


  1. Meal planning is a great way of being organized! It saves time, money and makes for a more nutritious diet. It might mean cooking on Sunday, the night before, or early in the day like you did. Your lucky children~ coming home to a real dinner:) And I love my crock pot too!

  2. I see many young women struggling with that (meal planning and being organized) today. I think it really is a matter of teaching them the good things we learned along the way. Thanks for stopping by Kathleen Gomez.


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