Short Devotions by Doris Holmberg Wolters
I am pleased this week to share more spiritual insights from Doris Holmberg Wolters: Fruit of the Spirit If you want the fruit of the Holy Spirit to be evidenced in your life, if you want to bear fruit, you must first let your roots grow deep. Do this by drawing up nourishment from, and continually growing in the Lord. Then only can you blossom and produce fruit that will be desired. The fruit will then be plucked, tasted, devoured, digested and absorbed by new believers. Those seeds grow and they in turn produce fruit, and the cycle will continue. 2 Timothy 2:12, Colossians 2:6&7, Galatians 5:22&23 Cleansing Christ’s blood is the soap, the detergent, the antiseptic that can wash away all the grit and grime of sin that wants to cling to us. Sin that is imbedded in us and hides the beauty and fragrance of the object of his love … our humanity. Before we can be cleansed, we need to use the pre-spotting agent of confession and acknowledgement of sin in our l...