Missing Mei Mei by K. Denise Holmberg
Mei Mei Holmberg 1997-2015 RIP Have you ever done something you can’t reverse or repair, and find yourself unable to forget or forgive yourself? May 6 th , 2015 I did something that made me feel that way. It was a beautiful day. I played Glassy Mountain golf course with my husband and a friend. It is a fantastic course, but tough and long. By the end ... I was really tired. Then we stopped in for BBQ at a delicious little dive. Now I was really full and really tired. Arriving home, I did what I always did first … I let the dogs out. Only I didn’t let them both in. Mei Mei was a week from turning eighteen years old. She couldn’t see much anymore, her hearing was gone, but she still had a bit of puppy spunk in her. Her appetite was great and her tail wagged constantly. Mei Ling, her daughter, was about to turn fourteen, very spry and always right on my heels. After the puppies did their thing, I walked back into the house through the garage...