I Love You More-ther by K. Denise Holmberg

Ryne It was our nighttime ritual. “I love you, Ryno,” I would say. “I love you more-ther,” my three-year old son would answer. He had freckles on his nose, a missing front baby tooth from a slip at a pool, and the sweetest voice this side of heaven. My middle son, Ryne, was like most middle children, compliant, independent and agreeable. He usually stayed out of trouble and was the easiest of my kids to parent. Weighty Wisdom From My Child One night, after sharing that I loved him more than to the moon and back, more than around the earth a million times, more than anything in the world, he simply answered, "I love you more-ther." To this day, that little phrase that tumbled out of the toothless grin of a three-year old, is still used frequently in our family. It is a profound little statement. It wraps everything up with a tidy bow. The Many Ways People Say “I Love You” I love you more than chocolate, bacon, butter, a sea of flowers, a garden ...