Power of the Holy Spirit by K. Denise Holmberg

I had never been in a service like this. I wish I could recall the topic of the sermon. 
But time is a thief and has stolen it away.
Mom and I were visiting Skyline Church in San Diego, California. 
Dr. John Maxwell of INJOY Ministries was pastor at the time. 
This was almost forty years ago (the math is difficult since I’m only twenty-nine). 
Sometime during the sermon, people starting going to their knees to pray. 
Maybe Pastor Maxwell prompted it, I don’t remember. But I know that Mom and I made our way to the altar and knelt there.
Then the pastor’s sermon was over. Soft music played in the background. I heard someone dismiss the congregation, but no one moved.
Everyone remained on their knees.
This was unusual in a “white” church at that time. Once the dedicated church hour was over, everyone rushed to be first in line at Sir Charles Buffet.
I had visited a few charismatic “black” churches back then. They stayed all afternoon soaking up the Spirit and singing the gospel. You knew you’d been to church.
But the typical frozen chosen congregation I belonged to busted out at noon. Not a minute past.
That day was different. 
Nobody moved. 
Except the Holy Spirit. 
You could hear whispered prayer and soft weeping all over the room. 
But the church remained on its knees.
I’ve had amazing experiences in churches over the years. But never another like that.
The Holy Spirit completely took over. 
You could feel it moving among the pews. 
It was palpable … almost touchable … and nobody wanted to break it.
Maybe enough hearts were willing to let that happen that day.
I don’t know.
Eventually we did rise from our knees and make our way to the buffet line. But that corporate experience of sharing God’s Spirit has never left me.
I felt His power.
I felt His love.
It was one of the first times in my spiritual walk that the Holy Spirit became real to me. It was the beginning of a changed life.
And the Holy Spirit descended in bodily form like a dove. Luke 3:22 NKJV

Holy Spirt come. Pour out on your people.

How have you experienced the power of the Holy Spirit in your life?
Love & Blessings,


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