I Laughed Till I Cried ... Then Laughed Some More by K. Denise Holmberg

 I enjoyed this book so much; I just had to share it with you!

Of Moose and Men by Torry Martin & Doug Peterson

One For Me ... One For a Friend
Have you ever seen a full-grown moose at your kitchen window?
 If you do … don’t offer it a carrot if you want to keep your window frame in place.
Ever led a 400-pound reindeer named Rudolph into your house? Also not a great idea, especially if you have a 130-pound dog that’s not excited to see Rudy like a kid on Christmas Eve (spoiler: the dog laughed and called him names and excluded him from reindeer games -- NOT).
Have you ever been trapped in an outhouse by a mountain goat that keeps ramming the door with his wicked horns?Lesson: if you wave your jacket frantically in front of an aggressive mountain goat … it will not run AWAY from you.

These are snippets of a few of the things actor and author, Torry Martin, actually did and lived to tell about in his new book: Of Moose and Men Lost and Found in Alaska. 
He kept me entertained from start to finish (and my husband who was driving on our latest twelve-hour road trip. I read him the many hysterical highlights after I quit laughing long enough to wipe away the tears).
Somehow, I could relate to the hair-brained things some of us do in our youth, when we mistakenly think we are invincible. 
Then we look back when “older and wiser” and think, “I coulda been killed!”
Torry’s (mis) adventures in Alaska, led him face-to-face with many wild animals, and some pretty wild people … but most important … it’s where he had his face-to-face with God.
Hilarious, yet emotional and touching, Torry is at his lowest and coldest when God reaches from the heavens and changes his life.
I love true stories of tangible meetings with our Heavenly Father. This is one of those stories.
Also, after reading this book, I’ve changed the way I pray.
 I’m a lot more specific and ask for signs that I’m on the right track. 
You'll get it if you read the book!

I know you will enjoy this as much as I did. Let me know what you think!!!

Love & Blessings!


P.S. My favorite chapter: Christmas With Grandma. It's no wonder Torry is such a funny character when you read what his family did each Christmas!


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