Light `n Dark by Sharon Holmberg Horn

Light `n Dark

I had a great conversation with Bible study friends recently. We reflected on what God was revealing to us in our time spent in Psalm 139.

Their insights reminded me how God's Word and Spirit offer fresh encouragement and challenges to His children. Always unique, personal and relevant to the one who spends time with Him.

Psalm 139:12

"To You, the night shines as bright as day. Darkness and light are the same to you...."

I’ve spent the last several days meditating on those words. My life has been a testimony about God’s presence in “both the dark and the light”.

Others in my Bible study affirmed their own experiences of navigating “walks in the dark” with the Light.

To realize - to embrace - the promises and hope that He indeed is present in all the steps we navigate in this life here on earth strengthens our faith journey.

This evening, I came across Ann Voskamp’s blog A Holy Experience. The topic? Yep. You guessed it.

Light and darkness. Light IN darkness.

I love these snippets from her post:

~ Sometimes the best training for the really big things is just the everyday things.

~ What you believe is the biggest backer you’ll ever have.

~ While others run fast, you can just shuffle with perseverance.
    While others impress, you can simply press on.
    While others stop for the dark, you can run through the dark.
    The race is won by those who keep running through the dark.

~ Darkness doesn’t have anything on light, on hope, on faith.

Night Light

It is nighttime and very dark outside. My family room would be just as black, except there is a fire glowing in the fireplace, three wicks lit on a hazelnut candle, and a small lamp next to my chair.

I cannot see anything beyond the windows that surround this room. But the ambient light is more

than enough for me to see everything that is familiar, and to recognize all that makes this house my home.

That makes me smile.

I can easily walk around with surety of foot.

That makes me feel safe.

And I must say that the light sources themselves are mesmerizing – they invite me to be introspective with my thoughts and longings.

Yet, at the same time, command their own presence just by their movement and the brightness they radiate.

I can’t take my eyes off of them.

This makes me want to linger in my musings.

Light … light in darkness … God in darkness … God as Light….

What It Comes Right Down To


He’s here. He’s there.

He’s in the dark. He’s in the light.

He is ever present, no matter where our steps take us.

I know this to be true from my own experiences and encounters with His leadership in my life.

I continue to cling to His promise from Psalm 139 that, wherever I am, "He will guide me, and His strength will support me."
(Psalm 139:10 NKJV).

I love that.

He is the Light I can’t take my eyes off of.

He is mesmerizing and commands his presence by his movement and brightness in my life. He invites me in.

What is your experience with the One whose light shines so brightly that darkness cannot overcome it?

Sharon Holmberg Horn

When you have a moment, check out Ann's entire post here:


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